Let the sightseeing begin

After a rather long trip to England leaving home from Devonport, Tasmania on Tuesday, flying Leg 1 to Melbourne for a 12 hour stop over, then Leg 2 onto Hanoi in Vietnam with a 3 hour stop over before going onto to London, we land feeling the effects of 42 hours of travelling. Sitting still for so long seems to be tiring and jet lag is definitely making its mark.

The next few days are quite slow with moving into our accommodation and taking short walks to build up our knowledge of the local area. We realise it’s been 8 years since we were last in London and, while it is familiar, it feels all new to us again.

As we expand our walks around the area and look after the mundane tasks such as food shopping and arranging new mobile phones services, I start to build up a list of photographs I’d like to take and do some reconnaissance work to find some good angles. I actually think some photos will be best in the late evening or night-time as it will reduce the number of people in the frames. Daylight savings is in swing in the UK now so sunset is around 9pm making night shots quite late. Anyway, here are a few test shots from our walks that will be revisited in future months.

I did say short walks… by day 2 in London we are walking 15kms but at a slower pace as we have the time to stop and take in the views. It’s nice not to have the pressure of trying to see everything within a 4-week holiday period.

After 3 years in Tasmania, we realise that we have not used public transport as a daily part of our lives and that we will now have to embrace the Underground train network to get around. Our circle of exploring is quickly moving outwards including a “tube” ride to Hyde Park Corner and then a stroll back home taking in Hyde Park, Buckingham Palace, St James Park, Parliament House, and St Paul’s Cathedral.

Today, with jet lag sorted and Stacey’s health on the mend, we decide to visit the Knightsbridge area and stop in at Harrod’s for a wander around and some morning tea. I make the decision to leave my camera behind as I prefer not to take it into shopping areas and there is rain forecast to start mid-morning.

Harrods is how I remember it. I stuff my hands deep into my pockets so that I don’t accidentally break anything and simply admire the quality of some items and the gaudiness of others.

From Harrods its off the Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens. Knightsbridge is certainly an affluent district in London and its quickly noticeable that the quality of cars has taken a step up. Several Ferraris, a Bentley SUV, a few high-end Mercedes Benz and a McLaren P1 in the length of a short walk to the gardens sets a high standard. The terrace houses are also stunning with striking architecture so a second visit to the area is on the cards, this time with my camera.

We walk along The Serpentine Lake and make our way to Princess Diana’s Memorial Walk. There are a number of people walking around her memorial water feature with all eerily quiet and respectful. It is serene but we are soon chased away by drizzling rain and head back home for the rest of the day.

More exploring to come.

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