With our impending working holiday to Europe coming up quickly, we thought it would be good to take a final trip down the east coast of Tasmania to a few spots we hadn’t had a chance to visit recently. A casual drive to Longford to drop off Tassie the Groodle at his favourite kennel before a stop at The Rustic Bakery at Cressy to enjoy coffee and one of their incredible doughnuts, providing enough energy to tackle our planned afternoon activity. We were on a mission to tick off an item from our “Wanna See” list which seems to be quite extensive and growing.

Our destination was Coles Bay and our list item meant there was a walk up to the Wineglass Bay Lookout on the cards. It’s located on the Freycinet Peninsula which, in itself, is a stunning location. It’s a breathtaking walk to a breathtaking view. The track is well maintained but steep in places and there are the obligatory many stairs to negotiate, but if you take your time, you are rewarded.

Mt Amos
Coles Bay from the walking track
Wineglass Bay

With the list item taken care of, it was a nice late lunch in Coles Bay before heading off to Swansea to our accommodation and a look around the township.

It’s a pretty little place that provides a number of scenic views along the walk around the bluff area. These are particularly good in the early morning as the sunrise plays on the water and provides colours that enhance the views.

Swansea Bluff
Swansea Bluff

After breakfast and a coffee at a local cafe, we continue down the coastline stopping along the way when we catch sight of a lone boat shed on the water’s edge at Kelvedon Beach.

Kelvedon Beach Boat Shed

Onto Triabunna and then Orford and a side trip to Thumbs Lookout which we were simply lucky to stumble across after taking a gamble on a dirt road that had little by the way of signage. GPS and cellular signal are not available in the area so it’s a case of gut feel as to which way to turn. The road up is well maintained so feels like an area that is well travelled. Arriving at the top, provides a view back across to Maria Island which reminds us of another item to add to the “Wanna See” list. It seems to be endless…

Thumbs Lookout

We finish off the trip with visits to Richmond and a late lunch at Ross before picking up Tassie from his overnight stay at Longford and heading back home. He’s fast asleep before we make it back into the township of Longford. It was an enjoyable weekend but now it’s time to prepare for the big adventure. Let’s get packing.

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