
After several weeks traveling around Tasmania we head back to the farm in Terang (Dixie) for a few weeks before setting off towards Adelaide. We have booked tickets to the V8 Supercars on the weekend of the 3rd and 4th of March so leave ourselves plenty of time to run up the coastline with our first stop in Robe.

Robe is just plain pretty, there’s no other way to describe it. The township has kept its old buildings and celebrates the history of the area. The coastline however is both ruggedly dangerous and beautiful at the same time.

Just outside of Robe is its lighthouse which is a more modern version built in 1973 and is function over form, but there is the historic obelisk built in 1852 that sits on Dombey Point that we have come to see. Its a marker to help navigate into the local port but for how much longer. We were here about 15 years ago and you could walk around the structure at that stage. Now however, there are fences stopping you getting close to it as the land unpinning the obelisk has been undermined by the sea. Its only a matter of time before it makes a big splash into the unrelenting ocean.

From Robe we take a day trip up to Cape Jaffa and Kingston where we find very different towns. Cape Jaffa seems almost deserted with very little industry or business around and the pier looking like it requires a lot of attention before it collapses into the sea.

Kingston however is a different story. The town is thriving and there is a real sense of community going on. Again they have celebrated their historic buildings and preserved items of value. Of particular mention is a recovered and rebuilt lighthouse that was originally built on Margaret Brock Reef near Cape Jaffa in 1872. It was replaced with a modern unmanned unit so the local national trust had it reinstated in town in 1976. It stands on the beachfront and is a great monument to the past.

From Robe we head to Port Elliot near Victor Harbour for a few days then on to Adelaide on Friday.

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